
(In french below)  

The primary aim of this conference is to advance research and foster a robust scientific network among young researchers at regional and national level. We envision this symposium as a platform for the exchange of knowledge and ideas between young and senior biologists. After having a succesful first edition of this series in 2023, we are excited to announce our second edition themed "LifeScience PhD Symposium". Similar to our first edition, we hope to provide a stage where young and experienced scientists can present their work in an engaging and collaborative environment.


To make this scientific festival a successful one, we strongly encourage your participation. Register for the event through our registration page (30 euros for the conference and additional 15 euros for the gala) and submit an abstract (300 words) for consideration for a short talk or poster presentation.

Download here the flyer.


A propos

L’objectif principal de cette conférence est de faire progresser la recherche et de favoriser un réseau scientifique solide entre les jeunes chercheurs aux niveaux régional et national. Nous envisageons ce symposium comme une plateforme d’échanges de connaissances et d’idées entre jeunes biologistes et chercheurs plus expérimentés. Après la première édition réussie de cette série en 2023, nous sommes ravis d’annoncer notre deuxième édition sur le thème “LifeScience PhD Symposium”. Semblable à notre première édition, nous espérons offrir une scène où des scientifiques jeunes et expérimentés pourront présenter leurs travaux dans un environnement engageant et collaboratif.

Pour faire de ce congrès scientifique un succès, nous encourageons fortement votre participation. Inscrivez-vous à l’événement via notre page d’inscription (30 euros pour la conférence et 15 euros supplémentaires pour le gala) et soumettez un résumé (300 mots) en vue d'un exposé ou d'une présentation par affiche.

Télécharger le flyer ici.


The program

This edition will bring light on:

  1. Broader axes of lifesciences from fundamental research to application sciences
  2. And encourage a larger number of young researchers to participate, share their work, and engage in discussions to exchange knowledge

Similar to our inaugural event, this year's symposium will feature three axes that represent the major research topics carried out in Life Sciences. In each axis, there will be an experienced speaker presenting her/his work for 45-minutes, followed by four slots (15-minutes) of presentations by young researchers, who will be selected based on their abstracts.

AxisSession descriptionKeynote speaker
From "in vivo" to "in vitro" Cellular and developmental biology, ecology, bacteriology, immunology, chemistry, ...


Tâm Mignot

In silico biology Genomics, bio-informatics, simulations, modeling, deep- and machine-learning


Marc Antonini

Research to better understand diseases and propose new therapies Cancer & diseases related studies



Laura Cantini

Previous edition


As we anticipate the 2024 edition, we are delighted to share the Abstract Book from our first edition.

You can download it with the following link:

Abstract Book

You can also learn more about this edition by visiting the PhD Symposium website or by looking at the photo gallery.



23rd September 2024

REGISTRATION  extension:
18th October 2024 

(30€ + 15€ for the gala)

Keynotes speakers

Laura CANTINI: Cancer genomics & Machine learning

Marc ANTONINI: DNA-based data storage

Tâm MIGNOT: Bacteriology


There will be two poster sessions during this event. Based on the submitted abstracts, some posters will be selected for a “flash” presentation.

Full program



On the first evening we have organised a Gala to extend the scientific discourse where engaging discussions meet good music for a memorable night of connection and celebration!

There will be an award ceremony (prizes for best short-talk, flash-talk and poster) at the end of the conference.

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